FDB_hiroshima FDB_hiroshima

One of the Plume developers.


atomkarinca @atomkarinca@fe.disroot.org

moth fucker @aurion@mastodon.social

bury me in tidycats so they know how fresh i stepped
ash, 20, they/them
rps yuan and piper (oc) @ citta!

Hanakooo16@pawoo.net @Hanakooo16@pawoo.net

会いたいのですが、めったにPawooを使いません。 ここに書いてください - http://badoogirls.com ニックネーム 「HanakoKiss」 Write me here - http://badoogirls.com Nickname "HanakoKiss"

atomkarinca @atomkarinca@pleroma.site

bcsaba@mastodon.social @bcsaba@mastodon.social

蔡徐坤 @longyap@mastodon.social

Xantulon :mastodon: :pixelfed: @Xantulon@mastodon.social

Gidi Kroon @gidi@friendica.gidikroon.eu

TV addict, science fiction enthusiast, proud inhabitant of Earth (our only home).

Trying to show support for films, tv series, actresses and musicians I admire. Posting some tech and politics in between.

There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice. Black Lives Matter. Gender equality. Fight for a sustainable use of environmental resources.

Posts by me are published cc-by, so they may be shared, boosted, reposted, reblogged, retweeted, etc. Posts and/or photos by others that I share remain copyright by the respective owners.

mirrorwitch @mirrorwitch@transmom.love

something like a tired femby. hates computers and FOSS. perpetually pining for the depths of the boundless sea. trans anarchist. barbaric umbanda cultist with the Razor Blade collective, doing possession, tarot, emojimagick, gender spells, and coffee sugar divination. holds as a theological position that spirit makes itself flesh because our purpose is to vibe with friends.

this is my private alt, for public agitprop see @ramona.

avatar: Pbelt Witchsona picrew

Bou @bou@fediverso.net

norm @norm@words.fedi.farm

Sergey Bugaev @bugaevc

Mastodon: https://mastodon.technology/@bugaevc