Hugh Hugh

I'm @y6nH on (and GitHub, etc.) I code some web stuff and dabble in design. I make music and pictures sometimes.

idlesong @idlesong

#poet, #artist, coder

Vishnu Varatharajan

Once-journalist, numismatist, blogger, translator. I speak with books & use music to time travel. Political science. Created Wishticks comics.

Boo! in a box

Berlin-based transfeminist, lecturer, sysad. Nerds about feminism, as well as Linux/BSD, networks, DIY, SciFi, zombies. Probably autistic.


Hackety-hack! I like gophers... Software #developer and #maker with a passion for #opensource & #freesoftware.

#linux #programming #foss #golang #photography

UnkleBonehead @UnkleBonehead

Just a truck driving, podcasting, guitar playing dad that loves indie music and FOSS. I'm not a coder or a hacker. Nor do I know enough of any one thing to be an expert in. I am a Linux user that uses it daily because I believe in the philosophy and I don't have to know how to code to use it. I am your end user! Making my world go to self hosting and entering into the Fediverse.

Hugh @Hugh

I'm @y6nH on (and GitHub, etc.) I code some web stuff and dabble in design. I make music and pictures sometimes.

会いたいのですが、めったにPawooを使いません。 ここに書いてください - ニックネーム 「HanakoKiss」 Write me here - Nickname "HanakoKiss"

hybrid_celph @hybrid_celph


Emilis 🇺🇦