флф_вгву :verified_flashing: aka_dude@shitpost.poridge.club

Open on shitpost.poridge.club

смузихлёб since 1990
неосилятор since
Хаскель-евангелист, если хотите поговорить о вечном, чистом, функциональном - тегайте меня


bacardi55 @bacardi55@social.bacardi55.io

My secondary account is: bacardi55@framapiaf.org (still active)

Solutions Architect by day, lazy #coder and #devops at night…
Love #opensource and minimalist tools. I mainly use #TUI software with #i3wm. #vim and #emacs / #orgmode user. Favorite distros are #archlinux and #debian. Happy owner of a frame.work laptop.
Big fan of the #gemini space!

Weblog: https://bacardi55.io
Gemini Capsule: gemini://gmi.bacardi55.io
Git Repos: https://sr.ht/~bacardi55/

I speak (more or less correctly) English and French.
I often add/remove people trying to keep a home timeline bearable, don't take it personally :)