Rebeka Catalina
Sysadmin and free software enthusiast - living in Berlin. Transwoman, who loves streetboarding. Passionate opensource-gardener.
If you want to follow me and we don't know each other: follow my alt. account on
I don't like skating: I love it <3
#HSP #introverted #AKF
Pronouns: she/her
Be kind to the planet <3
Becca Reese
"we are the granddaughters of the witches you weren't able to burn."
fedizen since
foss nature photography books music anticapitalism lgbqt+
i toot in English and Greek
Rebeka Catalina
Transwoman - very much interested in UNIX-like OSs, terminal/cli/security stuff, free software - (queer-)feminism, veganism.
A passionate streetboarder.
(norec = no-recommend: please don't recommend my profile to follow)
Tend to be positive, but rant from time to time.
#berlin #gentoo #freebsd #archlinux #OpensourceSeeds #tea #HSP #introverted #streetboard #OpenSourceGardens #Haeckse #NettleFanGirl
I don't like skating - I love it <3
Geek in wien
#linux, #security, #ruby, #python, #sysadmin, #coder, #opensource, #privacy, #wien
Just a curious mind. Gopher is dead.
#Running #MountainBike #RoadBike #RideOn ☮️ 🚵
Artist, Writer, Speaker, Linux Hacker, Free-Software Activist, Retro Linux, Generation Amiga
I write mostly in English and German.
Introvert who does like humans, but doesn't always know how to interact with them. Does really like a good story or photo or music. Having a love-hate-relationship to politics. Likes cats, but loves dogs. Will mainly post in English, but sometimes in German too
All pictures by me
mischk 👻 🇮🇱
Currently this is a test account. I'm testing a self-hosted Mastodon instance via Yunohost. Eventually I will move here, but my main account will stay @mischk for now.
Momentan ist das ein Test-Account. Ich teste eine über Yunohost selbstgehostete Mastodon-Instanz. Eventuell ziehe ich hierhin um, aber mein Hauptaccount bleibt erstmal @mischk.
engineering and other FINTA stuff | filtering RT | toots will be deleted regularly on a short interval | this is a public profile, feel free to boost and/or follow :BoostOK: