Film & digital #photographer, mediocre #bass player, grower of rare #plants, interested in #botany & #nature, pro-level procrastinator.
Professionally involved in financial services & capital markets #regulation & #compliance. Brexiled, now in Frankfurt.
GoToSocial test account. Posts DE/EN.
Anja Weinberger
Flötistin und Autorin, lebt in der Nähe von #Nürnberg.
Immer auf der Suche nach selten gespielter Musik, v. a. von Komponistinnen. Als Autorin auf den Spuren unserer Kunst und Kultur.
#musik #kunst #kunstgeschichte #flöte #kammermusik #herstory #writerslife #künstlerin #musikerin #frauen #kulturgeschichten #kultur #natur #bücher #küche #museen #stadtgeschichte #architektur #kirchenbau #denkmalschutz #gärten #religion #kirche #chor #literatur
my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying sleepy 22 year old
Usually knitting, crocheting or reading. Or all of the above at once.
previously &
admin for & (rip)
Till Steinvorth
#Antitrust and #competition lawyer at Noerr. Alumnus of European Uni. Views are my own.
#Poet: The dirtiest four letter word I know. #poetry and sometimes #prose.
Shaula Walko
She/her. Writer of sheet music, player of steel pan. Mom of two adult children, cohabitant with my guy for over 30 years, private butler to two medium sized dogs. Fan of libraries, museums, coffee shops. Pro-union.
I try to boost and follow as much as I can.
Profile picture description: a photo of a me with long gray-brown hair and a big smile. I'm wearing a black V-neck bodysuit. There is a blue sky with a Mexican Fan palm tree in the background on my right and visible sunshine on my left.
🚹 mid-aged guy, 🇩🇪 🇪🇺
🔨 Ex IT Network & Server Admin
⚛️ Team Science
🌀 #Klimakatastrophe passiert jetzt!
🏦 Kapitalismusskeptiker
💰 #taxtherich
🌱 Vegetarier
🫗 Anti-Alkoholiker
🚬 Nichtraucher
🔆 #Solar & #Windkraft
🔌 #HomeAssistant - Energy Management
♻ #RaspberryPi - Low Energy Computing
🔃 Booste nur von Followern!
🇨🇦 McRocker
Canadian. Grew up in NW Ontario, uni @ Carleton, lived & worked in ON, NWT, BC, AB. Trip of a lifetime to NL. Last 2 Canadian places to go...YK & NU. Albertan since 1983, currently in Central Alberta.
I've set delete posts after "2 weeks", so if you think I posted something witty a while ago, don't worry, I won't remember, either.
Mike Whiskey - Fotologbuch
Fotoblog aus der Nordheide bei Hamburg
Ich bin der Mike, Fotograf, Musiker, Ingenieur, Vegan🌱 und (so gut wie möglich) nachhaltig.
Meine Pronomen sind mir nicht Wichtig, dafür aber deine!
Was gar nicht geht sind Querdenker, Nazis, Homophobie, Rassismus, Antifeminismus, Antisemitismus.
Ich leide an Depression. Aber ich mach das beste daraus und versuche es als kreativen input zu verwenden
Music & Art.
All addresses listed here have identical content:
-- or --
SvenTetzlaff (翁 辞文)
I am an author, editor-in-chief and photographer in Hangzhou/Hong Kong. Originally from Rostock, I have been living in Asia with my family since 2005.
In the podcasts I report on everyday life in Asia, give travel tips, background information and tell unusual and previously unheard stories from Asia.
UAO = Umlauts are Overestimated (2 mntl.)
UD = China Tagebuch (weekly)
Malatang (in hiatus)
Major Li = Cosy Crime (closed).
Follow me - I'll follow you
No Häschtägs - I am an insider tip
Frauchen Will Raus
#Hund, #Reisen, #Natur, #Stricken, #noAFD (cdu/csu geht auch nicht, auf keinen Fall FDP) #bunt, #diversität, #reciprocity, #niederländisch. Das Glas ist halb Voll, liebe das Leben. Bitte verstehe mich nicht falsch, ich versuche auf Deutsch zu schreiben 🙄.