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Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them



Computer tinkering :runbsdBg:​ , trees, woodworking, photography, outdoors, reflecting, going down rabbit holes.

Often :flan_facepalm:


Liberal computer geek, hockey nut (and goalie), web 2.0 fanatic, dad of 2 and husband of 1. Veteran (ie, old) software developer and computer hacker.

Please check out my Ko-fi blog, A Trifle One Sided:

Medford MA USA


My posts are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (

W6AIT - Donovan

Technician Licensed in Feb '22, Upgrade to General May '22.
Joined local #MDARC club
Currently building/testing Antennas for #POTA #SOTA and #Fieldday2022
#CW / #Morse in 2023?
Outside of radio, #father #gardening #sportingclays #camping & #dvorak going on 16years


Computing and music nerd from #Cornwall, now back there after 11 years in #Texas. I write code for work, and mess around with dance music on #vinyl and the computer, or go #cycling for fun.

Previously a resident of many other mastodon-y places. I've jumped around far too much!

The Doctor

Eccentric weirdo. Virtual Adept. Time traveler. Thelemite. Technomage. Hacker on main. 30% software and implants. H+ - 0.4 on the Berram-7 complexity scale. Not human, but I fake it well. Furry adjacent. Pan/poly. Cyberpunk but I don't have enough hair left for a pink mohawk; still have the leather jacket, though.

Always disappointed. Rarely surprised.

Cultural attache', Republic of Magonia Diplomatic Corps.

Consulting agent, Special Circumstances.


What's old is new again.
BITNET revivalist.


generally confused

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

#NoBot #NoBots

Hairy Larry

Hairy Larry, musician, songwriter, producer, and promoter. He currently plays piano in a jazz sextet, Bebop Beatniks, and bass in a blues band, Delta Legends.


just five raccoons in a raincoat

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 (alt account)

Coffee drinker, reader, geocacher, widow, pen pal,
Late husband described me as amalgam of Uma Thurman and Crow T. Robot.
SDF is a community platform for inspiring, facilitating and implementing new ideas.
SDF member since Nov 28 2014. Made from stars, headed for dust. Cinephile de "film mute" #nobot


A maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

DJ Sundog

One of the administrators of

Fan of all sorts of music.