
Open on

Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


Violet Housekid

Venmo: @big_butt_cow

DM for skype availability
$3 per minute
3 minute minimum

$1 per minute for tutoring
$3 per minute for underwear chat
$50 to sit on cake, flat rate


Internet bad-boy, weirdo, pretend porn star, time traveler, script-kiddie and cyberpunk wannabe.

Sysop of Bolthole BBS. Proprietor of Lucky Byte Palace. Sort of ambivalent about Linux. Liker of slow computers. 7% Vanilla.

Please introduce yourself before following.

Creatrix Tiara

that chick on mastodon who got harassed for speaking about racism. 2022 threw curveballs and now I could use a new bio! Current interests: bringing together video games and performance art, immersive experiential design, post Covid recovery in arts and society

Creatrix Tiara

Third time lucky on Mastodon (formerly: and Got infamous for dealing with racial harassment on here but hoping to be known for more than that!

I got up to shenanigans, then got waylaid for most of 2022, and am now trying to get back into shenanigans. Creative producing, performance art, writing, video games, media-making, activism, community cultural development, advocacy, arts management ++

Queer, genderqueer, immigrant, disabled, neurodivergent, PoC

Patricia Washburn

Author, Self-Care for Cats. Nerd, writer, Mainer. Grownup professional stuff

Child labor is wrong. LGBTQ+ people deserve to live their lives freely and safely. Black lives matter. Immigrants are welcome and needed. Housing and healthcare are human rights.

#cats #nerd #maine #portlandmaine #writing #spaceopera #neworleansjazz #disability #wheelchair #celticpunk #earlymusic #dnd #ffxiv #infosec #cybersecurity #ux #techwriting #pagan #books #sf #sciencefiction

Hiro (引っ越ししました)

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate

普段は、@hnb@hnb にいます

The profile picture is made by quick Es ( )


Contains tactical swearing. Requests are just to make sure you're not a bot, asshole, or scraper.

Toots deleted after 2 weeks unless I need to hang onto them.

#Poetry whenever I go off on one.

Arithmetic progressions of found/confirmed of form a+b*c*n ascending from n=0 where the result of each is prime:
Found 10 and confirmed 84 of length 20
Found 4 and confirmed 14 of length 21
Found 1 and confirmed 9 of length 22
Confirmed 1 of length 23

Also helping to finish NumberFields@Home on CPU because PrimeGrid is rubbish at multi-threading and I have too many cores for the tasks to all live in cache.
#NoBot #NoIndex

Mark McCahill

the work is mysterious, and important

cats, music, software, networks - Durham, NC, USA


Disc Jockey, FreeBSD user, music collector, quake player, fan of public transportation.

Currently in the suburbs surrounding Portland, Oregon.

Profile avatar photo by DJ Popcorn. Header photo by CEV.



be free curious and kind