gabe (but cooler)

Open on

my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying 22 year old

this is my alt account primarily for mutuals (for now) and people i trust using gotosocial. if you wanna follow me on my main please follow me @gavi :)


xyhhx (ketchup flavoured)

I make software, noodles, and poor judgment calls.

Please Contact @admin

very tired from antisemitism lately. but pulling herself together xD

your trusty co-admin along with @sheepchase

I'm a bit anonymous atm, might be why you don't recognize the name, but you probably know me



Aspiring writer, lover of history, island of blue in a sea of red, likely to go unappreciated in my time.


Julie R

Writer of fiction and poetry. disabled. she/her
2022: Year of the Platypus


Knows 3D Printers and Software
Passable Gardener

Note: also instance runner for owner, alt is @infra but have this account as moderator to make reports and such more visible to me.

My anime and cosplay alt is @matt5sean3

Meow :verified:

I am an anarcho-communist and a lover of all things free and open source. I also love cats of all kinds. I am a member of the mental illness community and I freely discuss what it is like living with it. I hope that I can do my small part to help remove the taboo of its discussion. Simply not discussing mental illness will not only make it not go away, but worsen its symptoms for those suffering from it.


Visual + verbal, hikey, bikey, neurospicy, they/she. If I’m not here, I’m writing, drawing, dyeing yarn, knitting, in the woods, or in a book. Fair warning: I shall no longer be putting CW on food posts or pics. I will always hashtag them so you can mute as needed.


bio coming later, inshallah

algu (= start) 07.08.2023

täh tulou muuzikkua da fotokuviloi

questa pagina sarà dedicata alla musica nelle lingue che conosco, non conosco l'italiano

det här kontot blir med lite foto och musik men jag är ingen fotograf eller musiker
någon som läser romaner är inte heller en författare
man kan ha olika intressen, mer eller mindre seriösa
man kan vara mer eller mindre seriös själv också

there are things I take seriously and others I don't

jag är en nattsvart optimist, efter natten kommer morgonen

this page hopefully will be less about the Current Thing and more about things like music etc.

I may post a #RandomPhoto (low-quality own work) from time to time, I am no photographer

I repeat what I find noticeable, be it something good or bad, I favorite what I like

for the benefit of humanity the free flow of information should be maintained

#muuzikku (engl = music)
#meččy (engl = forest)
#ojaine (engl = brook)
#kukku (engl = flower)
#KarjalanKieli (engl = karelian language)
#Stokgolmu (sv = Stockholm)
#Ruočči (engl = Sweden)
#Gålö (ligger inom Haninge kommun)
#Tyresta (Tyresta nationalpark)
#ToviaSingerShow (something I follow at times)

aen :neocat_book:

cyber security student and sff/history lover

i post about that stuff and also other interests (music, youtube, fanfics occassionally)


Diane Bruce

I live in #Ottawa, #Canada (Unceded territory of the #Anishinaabe #Algonquin Nation) My Background is #Programmer #RealTime #Embedded some #ScientificProgramming Hobbies? ;) #FreeBSD dev. #amateurRadio, #Musician #Baking (I love to bake Universes) #Cooking some Uni. #Maths #Physics #Linguistics now interested in #Philosophy #Propaganda #CriticalThinking If you know who I am, you know.