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You love programming during the night while eating Gulasch?

The GPN21 will take place from 8. to 11. June 2023 in Karlsruhe!


Vi :potion_progress:

Feel free to send a follow request! (No guarantee I'll approve it)

Cute, ADHD, Autistic, EDS, trans, polyamorous, gay nerd

Doing my best, and having a very gay time doing it ^^

If you can boost a post of mine, then it's okay to boost~

If you're queer then flirting is okay!

I go by Violet or Vi (pronounced Vai)~

Partnered with a few wonderful beings <3

♻ coca

Aikido, AeroSpace, Awareness, Hacks, Sec, Rigger

bIGmAC 📶

Linux Admin, Modellbauer, Verrückter Tüftler, Funkamateur und Admin des Servers

Manawyrm | Sarah


your friendly neighborhood infrastructure cat, mid-20s, 🏳️‍🌈

likes old computers, operates an ISP, collects ISDN/GSM equipment, has a passion for Arm64, will bite



Elan, voll!

Thies Müller (thies / td00)

Network (Security) | IPv6 | nerd, hacker, punk, veggie, c3logistic, does Smth with computers, kids & events technic, escalates events | private account: @thies |

ellis noack

Illegalize everything.

kali 🚴‍♀️

Techie. ITSec lady und Aluhut-Träger.
Drahtesel-Reiter, Dungeon Master, Halbling.

bikedruid 🚴‍♂️

🚴‍♂️#nocar, goes everywhere by bike, but likes public transit (long distance)
Halfling druid by habit, likes Gemütlichkeit and food. Has started growing her own.
IT Sec monkey, usually pulling a Cassandra
🏳️‍🌈 ace

Markus Lindenberg


MisterB :schenklradio:

Mister B aka Makamadarius

privater Account von Mister B: @Halbtassentrinker -
seit 2018 im Fediverse auf und Pixelfed

Moderator beim #SchenklRadio #Samstagsshow
#musik #reisen #bahn #karlsruhe #berlin #freiburg #foto #katzen #hunde

SchenklRadio-Studionummer 0721 9594 2626


Ich bin ein Alpaka mögendes Individuum und Google Maps power-user mit IT, Medien/ehm. ÖRR Hintergrund und einem Faible fürs fotografieren 🌈 Wer mir folgt muss schlechte Witze ertragen