Jasdemi :fediverse: jasdemi@jasdemi.com
I mostly post about gaming stuff and memes.
jasfed @jasfed@eletusk.club
Mima-sama @mima@kishinjou.chaotic.ninja
Evil spirit (also) trapped in Kishinjou
Pfp by BoboMaster
Banner by @zeolch@twitter.com
Jasfed @jasfed@eupolicy.social
jasfed @jasfed@mastodon.librelabucm.org
jasfed @jasfed@mastodon.ee
jasfed @jasfed@uri.life
Jasfed @jasfed@micro.blog
jasfed@best-friends.chat @jasfed@best-friends.chat
jasfed @jasfed@alive.bar
jasfed@lilymagic.com @jasfed@lilymagic.com
BrakeOut Gaming @brakeoutgaming@mstdn.games
Nerd, dad, gamer, creator. I share my love of racing video games on the BrakeOutGaming channel over on YouTube. Looking to connect with video game fans, creators, and generally cool people across the Fediverse!