~julienxx julienxx@nein.club
khm @khm@mastodon.sdf.org
middle management and hpc in science.
I help out with 9front sometimes.
when I see nazis, conspiracy wingnuts, pedo apologists, or any other repugnant shit, I block the whole instance. no time for that or the people who enable it.
posts here self-destruct within a month or so.
xiled @xiled@mastodon.sdf.org
Not necessarily beautiful, but mutated!
kao @kao@piaille.fr
🎈*pop pop pop*
🚁 Engineering Manager @ MakeMusic
Benoit @benoit@ruby.social
Dev backend. Previously RSpec core team. #Ruby #PostgreSQL. Vim fan. | he / him 🏴
Bsdsm@mastodon.sdf.org @Bsdsm@mastodon.sdf.org
Zach "earboxer" DeCook @zachdecook@social.librem.one
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
neb 🇳🇴 @neb@fosstodon.org
Wannabe **UNIXMAN**
uNiX sNo(0)b who slowly learns to navigate the UniXverse.
Lorenzo @ranfdev@linuxrocks.online
Young developer from Italy. OS: elementary os. Languages: JS, Rust, C, Python, Vala. I'm on decentralized/open source related things
screwlisp @screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org
They overlap but they're a bit different:
nascent lispy ai show:
Avatar art from @prahou
ram @rkrishnan@hachyderm.io
I am into programming, electronics, ham radio and professionally into cryptography engineering and computer security. Likes #c, #go, #haskell, #emacs, #freesoftware.
I have another account where I mostly write about my amateur radio adventures (@vu3rdd)
Nocko 🏴 @nocko@kolektiva.social
Permacomputing, Mutual Aid. Former computer person, current middle-aged nursing student. #ldnont, >18
Niklas @ytvwld@chaos.social
Wenn ihr mich sucht: Ich bin am Schnittpunkt zwischen Technik und Gesellschaft.
Software, Events und Memologie im @chaosdorf, Informatikstudium und -Verpeilung an der @HHU, Rants und Kalauer hier
silberne Hackermedaille bei Ingress, häufig müde, Autoupdatefluencer
andere Menschen über mich:
* "ein am Handy spielender Halbstarker"
* "jung und dynamisch" "mit der Energie, was verändern zu wollen"
* "Experte für alles"
📸 @hanemile
📍Rhein-Kreis Neuss, NRW
Pronomen: er/he