GPN Küche

Open on

Küche auf der GPN -



Occasionally creates interactive experiments and graphic demos, builds pinhole-📷, reads SF novels.
 Art history + computer science background
Currently uses SwiftUI at work otherwise experienced with web/js stuff.

cambid83 (he/his)

Living and working in Switzerland, German citizen, doing Linux/FLOSS for fun and Linux for work, Chaos-Family. #cis


Desi guy in Köln and/or Frankfurt, Europe. Likes food, places, community, music, motorbikes, trains, activism, repair, cyberpunk, secure computing, Minidisc, memes, puns and being nice to one another. Antifascist, anticapitalist. he/him.

Please send me your favourite Drum’n’Bass track!


nonsense Connaisseur

Ich mache jeden Tag Fehler, lerne langsam, bitte sagt Bescheid wenn ich mal wieder was versemmelt habe - ich versuche mich zu bessern, der Prozess ist aber langsamer als ich es mir wünschen würde.

Felix :thisisfine: Eckhofer

Not the CISO you want, maybe the CISO you deserve.


Lotse in Auseinandersetzungen (Mediation), Fotografie. Kann Spuren von IT, Humor & Abfall enthalten. #linux #fotografie

502 Bad GaytWay (nicole)

- verweigert die Aussage und wird durchschaut
- gewillt zu lernen und dabei zu helfen
- maskiert das Gesicht nicht erst seit es alle coolen Kids machen
- 44203 is a prime number
- trash with some positive qualities
- flirting is weird tbh, if we interacted for a bit feel free to ask though
get pronouns - they're free :)
Do *not* "dude"/"bro"/"guy" me. I am neither of those.
DM before sending follow requests or I won't see it.
not cis apparently :o


Jack McKracken

#networks, #ipv6, #denog, #linux, #hamradio, #chaoswelle, #bratzenamt, #fcsp, #mead

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
- Hunter S. Thompson



nice to e-meet you!

currently at: -
next event[s]: (open schedule)



arbeitslos wie der Herr mich schuf