Micheal :devterm: micheal@social.ecliptik.com

Open on social.ecliptik.com

Husband and father working in cloud ☁️ operations by day and hacking on keyboards ⌨️, Raspberry Pis :raspberrypi:, *nix-like operating sysytems :freebsd: :openbsd: :debian: :linux: by night.


Gamma :godot: :playdate: @GammaGames@mastodon.gamedev.place

He/him. Software engineer 🎮 #VR #indiedev w/ #GodotEngine and #Playdate 🖋#WritingCommunity

/usr/bin/felsqualle @felsqualle@corteximplant.com

ScummVM co-lead and always looking for an adventure. Interested in video game preservation for future generations. Snapcraft.io enthusiast.

Header: "Ukraine. Flag colors" by carefulweb is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

Aaron M @agmcleod@mastodon.social

Software engineer working for Wealthsimple out of Toronto, Canada. I like listening to progressive metal, tech podcasts, programming games, hiking, and learning more about the world around us.

"Critical Kate" Willaert @katewillaert@mastodon.social

I research and write about forgotten geek history | Creator of the greatest Metroid video on Youtube | asexual, autistic, trans

Edenwaith @edenwaith@mastodon.gamedev.place

Software + Bread Artisan. Sierra On-Line + Playdate games. Renewable energy. Sarcasm + cynicism.

Jesse Spielman @heavyimage@mastodon.social

Recovering VFX artist, Computer Science PhD Researcher, New Yorker living in the UK, Bagel Fanatic. he/him; #blm #penplotter #unixporn #generativeart

WhileyDave :ferris: @WhileyDave@hachyderm.io

Author of the Whiley Programming Language. Interested in Programming Languages, Formal Verification and Compilers. Researcher in Smart Contracts @ConsenSys. Opinions are my own and not those of my employer.

Scott Leggett :fedi: :golang: @smlx@fosstodon.org

Free software and cloud wrangler. Security Engineer at amazee.io.

Math.🏋️✍️ ⚓️ 🚲 @maki@social.tchncs.de

***DE:*** Gestartet im Mittelalter in #Quedlinburg und gestrandet bei den Römern in #Trier.

***EN:*** Started in the Middle Ages in #Quedlinburg, stranded with the Romans in #Trier.

speaks 🇩🇪 🇬🇧

BookWyrm: @maki@tomes.tchncs.de
Alter Ego: @philfiller
Matrix: @math:tchncs.de

Photo Header by https://unsplash.com/de/@wesleyphotography

Uses: #nobot #crossfit #fountainpen #schifffahrt #fahrradbubble #SciFi #brettspiele #videogames #diy #OpenSource #

apfel @apfel@ruhr.social


sirhc @sirhc@hachyderm.io

vga256 @vga256@dialup.cafe

indigenous canadian, recovering academic → game dev → interactive media artist with a penchant for dial-up modems, the 4o3 bbs scene, 1-bit art, trackers/mods, classic macs, and 80s and 90s gaming. curator of internet, canadian & gaming obscura.

#nobot #nobots #noindex
(profile pic image description: a low resolution pixel art interpretation of Denver, The Last Dinosaur)