moanos [foss edition]
Developer of some small #FOSS projects: Library Management, Matrix-Bots and more
#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)
Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.
I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.
#nobot #fedi22
Feel free to follow request.
25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro | activist
Admin of this GoToSocial instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:
Profile picture shows moanos, a white guy with blond hair, in front of some trees and bushes. He wears a red shirt and suspenders
moanos alt
Alt/Dark account of Very queer. Feel free to send follow request but I'll most likely will not accept it unless we follow each other. DMs from everyone welcome
The official account for GoToSocial news, updates, release announcements, and so on!
GoToSocial is an open-source, ActivityPub compatible, federated social media server. It's easy to install, lightweight, and perfect for small servers 🦥
GoToSocial is still alpha software. Your support is appreciated as we fix bugs, add features, and move towards beta ❤️
This is not a support account! Support questions addressed to this account will go unanswered. For support please see the links!
Queeres Zentrum Tübingen
Queeres Leben in Tübingen braucht ein Dach über dem Kopf!
Das queeres Zentrum soll einen Ort schaffen sich zu treffen, solidarisch zu verbünden, sich gegenseitig zu empowern und zu feiern, unser Wissen und unsere Ressourcen zu teilen und zu wachsen. Wir wollen ein Zuhause sein für die vielfältigen und unterstützenden Angebote, die es von und für unsere Community schon gibt und noch geben wird. Das QZT soll möglichst diskriminierungs- und barrierearm gestaltet sein und alle Menschen einladen, die die queere Szene in Tübingen mitgestalten möchten!
Sei dabei! Plenum jeden Dienstag 18:30 Uhr, Ort per Mail oder DM
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