ozoned ozoned@social.ozoned.net

Open on social.ozoned.net

Father of 2; husband; FOSS lover and willing teacher; absolutely cynical. In that order.

Ex-Unix admin.
Ex-Red Hatter focused on supporting services such as systemd, dbus, rsyslog, secvuln, openssh, etc.
Currently IT Unix performance admin.

Livestream: https://stream.ozoned.net

All content is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/@ozoned:matrix.org


Rebecca M @Rebeccamwrites@mastodon.gamedev.place

Writer/ Narrative Designer @playtonic. I love holistic design, rich worlds and memorable characters. #gamedev #writing #narrativedesign #worldbuilding #indiedev #adventuregames #fedi22

Logout @logout@hackers.town

I have a hard limit: I follow a maximum of 64 people. Day (and also life) is too short to follow more. Sorry.

NormanDunbar @NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot

He/Him. Retired Oracle DBA, Toad MVP, developer, husband, geek, not a dad, open source contributor. McLaren & Mercedes F1 fan.

I own a Huawei P20 phone with the Leica camera. I try to take at least 1 half decent photo every day if I can.

In 2020, Apress published my first book, 'Arduino Software Internals'. My second, 'Arduino Interrupts' is due November 2023 and I'm writing a third as well as a 2nd edition of 'Internals' to document recent changes.

No longer on Twitter as @NormanDunbar.

f00f/eris/continuum/etc @f00fc7c8@kind.social

Autistic technology nerd into electronic music, FOSS, sci-fi, and retro gaming, among other things. I try to stay open-minded and rational, and encourage others to do the same.

Boundaries: Don't label or diagnose me without my consent. Non-sexual flirting is okay, but ask before making overt sexual comments. Tell me when I do something wrong, and give me the benefit of the doubt; I promise I'm trying to do the right thing.

Eyal Herlin @eyalherlin@mastodon.social

elijah @elijah@mstdn.party

Caroline 🌈🌊🌍 @SweResistance@mastodon.nu

Swedish. Mother. Wife. Autistic. Nerd. Geek.

Works in tech. Toots in Swedish & English.

Interested in politics, history, diplomacy, conflicts, science, health care, tech, computers, eCommerce etc.

#StandWithUkraine #tech #autism #adhd #mentalhealth

Low Quality Facts @lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.