Aravinth Manivannan

Open on

Hello 👋

I'm a Free Software developer currently working on:
- Accessible automated CAPTCHAS with @mcaptcha
- Libre forge ecosystem with @gna
- JAMstack platform with focus on privacy and speed with @librepages
- Software forge federation with @forgeflux

My pronouns are he/him



I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur.

Iñigo Garcia

#Human. #Designer.

[EU] Nahiago dut entzun hitz egin baino.
[ES] Prefiero escuchar que hablar.
[EN] I would rather listen than talk.

The #Web is for all.

📍 Pale Blue Dot.

Pirate Bady

Malayali, Open-minded, Introvert, Atheist, Feminist, Free Software and Privacy Advocate.

Interested in Science, Programming, Philosophy, Psychology, Politics, History, etc.

Software Developer by profession, lifelong learner.


Building the Next Generation Internet with Multicast.

Librecast is an *experimental* project to provide fast, efficient and scalable communication by leveraging IPv6 multicast. Account operated and monitored by @onepict

Avatar : librecast logo, 7 nodes, 4 of them in a multicast group.
Banner: Various types of group information and group communication in a transparent overlay over a blurred background.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I discovered when I graduated from Computer Science I prefer people to programming. I toot about privacy and about how RFC1984 relates to that. My main interest at the moment is the threat of mass data collection and surveillance. I like to raise awareness of this RFC:
I also like talking about @librecast.
Signée of #PHPledge. #CovidIsStillHere #LongCovid

Gergely Nagy 🐁

A tiny mouse, a hacker | 🏷 #keyboard, #firmware, #clojure, #hy, #emacs


Not my fault!


On the beaches of Super Sunny Southern California.

(And the remote mountain wilderness of Humboldt)

Slackware, OpenBSD, and a bit of a Debiantard.

#Slackware #Linux #FOSS #openBSD #NetBSD #freeBSD #Debian #ArchLinux #Humboldt #tallship #cheezburgerz

Felipe L. Sologuren G.

Padre tiempo completo. Injeniero en computación. Antipatriarca. Apruebo.

Samuel Roland

A curious and hardworking student developer with a passion for FOSS, side projects, designing and building applications, and sharing experiences.

Languages: #laravel, #php, #livewire, #vuejs, #js, #alpinejs, #tailwindcss, #html, #css, #fedi22

Interests: #foss, #activitypub, software conception and design, project management and efficient collaboration, decentralization, federation, privacy, free licences, online communities, free software building+maintenance, podcasts, and blogs.



I am Amar.
I am just a open source loving soul.

Lutin Discret

Développeur #Java chez @codelutin et bricole sur #finance #rémunération #juridique #MécénatCodeLutin

Mes opinions (nombreuses et tranchées) ne sont pas celles des autres lutin⋅es, et c'est tant mieux #diversité