Stefan Schmidt
טוביאס פלדמן / Tobias Feldmann
Kaffee? Kaffee! / Bargeldloses Zahlen / 3D Druck / Exil-Hamburger und ex Düsseldorfer / Mobile Security @dbsystel / Qualifiziertes Fachpersonal
Ich betreibe diese Instanz, Admin Dinge bitte über den Account @barista
Keith Boldy
Probably too old for social media but I enjoy showcasing my art and other artists artwork
Alexander Janßen
The best thing about procrastinating is you can do it NOW and ANYTIME.
📐 Telecom- & IT-architect
🤓 Nerdy as hell
🐧 Old fart using Linux
🩼 Yepp, my body is failing me
🏞️ Still like being outdoors, screw you cerebral palsy
🧠 Likes his beautiful broken brain
🖥️ Something with computers
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Oscillating between Dunning-Kruger Effect and Impostor Syndrome.
Apparently not socializable.
Der Geist eines Siebenjährigen, gefangen im Körper eines alten, weißen Mannes. Send help!
Serial enthusiast, professional pessimist.
טוביאס פלדמן / Tobias Feldmann
Kaffee? Kaffee! / Bargeldloses Zahlen / 3D Druck / Exil-Hamburger und ex Düsseldorfer / Mobile Security @dbsystel / Qualifiziertes Fachpersonal
Christian Drexler
Husband, father of three young adults, servant to two cats, operating cloud infrastructure for a German telco. Will probably post in German and English depending on the context. #fedi22
Ops guy, running cloud infrastructure for a major German telco. Linux, automation, databases, networking
#Osmocom founder. Mobile Communication expert. Former Linux kernel hacker, freedom fighter. Nerd. #retronetworking. Mensch mit Kommandozeilenhintergrund. searchable via tootfinder. CEO of @sysmocom