lawa pi ijo kiwen selo

Open on

🔞 No minors. Horny content abound.
DM Us a ✨ emoji if you follow request, unless We follow you or you already follow another account of Ours.

One admin of Hostage of the @dawn . We tend to the garden of the dollhouse, and its arthropod residents tend to Us in turn. Always using the Royal We.

Watch your step.



$nyx: paw-socks sysadmin

Your local doll foxxo, ΘΔ dog;

Still no idea what i am but definitely not human
Some call us plural, cant see why

If you want to follow request, at least have a pretty complete / active profile, or interact with me first so I get to know you.

"T'es génialement cursed" - zoé
"Respectablement cursed" - nonore
"Définitivement saleté de sakapuce" - bram
"Name a kink, Scarlet has it" - nonore, again
"Sale bête" - bram
"only bébou can judge me"
"Ta liste de trauma elle est longue comme la muraille de Chine."

NA 0-4 DIT

NSFW is on main with appropriate CWs.
Profile pic art:


doll, smiling faintly in the chill light of dusk • ⚧⚙️🔞 • #EmptySpaces

📺 bloom's turnkey 🩹

maple & sunday's private space. shy dojikko trying her best.
contains life, trauma and anxiety events. friends are invited to follow but won't accept everyone

Lily Worse

Kink alt of @LilyVers . White trans lesbian, she/her, #BLM and let me know if and how I fuck up. Most posts followers-only, and I'm gonna be real picky about who I approve to follow. (If you don't post about kink, or if the vibes just don't feel right, I'll probably deny it at least for now; DM if you're unsure, and please don't take it personally.)


packbat is a social construct

xey/xem/xyr, ze/zir, she, themselves. w.e mod. creative alt @Packbat

Unemployed traumatized millennial, light-skinned Black endogenic plural system, USian anarchist. Posts signed with emoji for author + status/mood. We try to be thoughtful & kind.

Not everything we post/boost is appropriate for minors; read the CWs.

And if we aren't already acquainted, please @ us with any follow request.

usericon: A copper dragon with dreadlocks playing a small MIDI keyboard.


Socialist, trans woman, programmer. Early 30s. She/her

Backup account at

æʃliŋ, f4f enthusiast

it’s pronounced “ashling”. black cat made entirely of fire. GlitchCat dev and syscatmin(s); the one(s) to @ about techincal problems. Commewnist. they/she/it/æ

the sonic the hedgehog franchise was bad in 2022 and i will never stop bitching about it

available via email and matrix with the same username and domain. DM/message/email for other protocols

people are places

1 like math, computer science and all sorts of nerdy stuff.
May interact with kinky people, but anything lewd will be on another account.

fragment @ CAYA on nov 17

lovely little learning rabbits sharing your secrets and their love to the world 🐇 adhesive addicted 📃 constantly ephemeral ✨🖋️🪞

spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇

Ex-Student. (Theoretical) Computer Science. AD(H)D. Queer. Cuddly. Polyam. Ex-KIFfel? White. Some kind of non-binary/genderqueer.
(Toots mostly in German)


Hi! I'm the caretaker of the Empty Doll House. Please message me here or email me at for any issues!

Image c/o hanabii__ via Header c/o mildmayfoxe.

Science Moth Luna

🔞 Putting the phile in technophile. Former AAA #gamedev. 36.

Posting about
#selfhosting, #opensource, and various #programming experiments in #rust, #cpp, #python, and #typescript

I predominantly boost a mix of
#queer, #tech, #moths, #bees, and trauma #shitposting.
