Blog post week 2019-36 - new schedule, monthly interview and first budget

What has happened since last time?

Bi-monthly blog posts

You may have noticed that the weekly schedule for these blog entries hasn't really been honored lately.

Given our resources, we've decided to write bi-monthly blog posts instead. This should make it easier for us, and lead to richer entries!

Our monthly interview is out

In August, Ginny started a cycle of monthly interviews with members of the community to shed some light on the people involved in the project.

This month's interview features Ana, who also happens to work on Plume, a federated blog engine . You should definitely have a look!

Our first budget

One of the reasons we set up our collective was to take over Funkwhale-related expenses and seek funding.

To ensure all of this happens in the most transparent manner, the Board and the Direction Commitee agreed on our very first budget, for the September to December period.

This budget is live on our website if you want to have a look :)

Donations and memberships

In case you missed it during summer, we're now ready to receive donations and membership fees.

If you are considering becoming a member, we strongly suggest you register by the end of the month, as this will give you voting rights in our next general assembly (in Q3 2020).

Everything you need to know can be found on our website. Thank you for your kind support!