A place to ramble

A place to muse

Many moons ago I would ramble on in a kind of stream of consciousness, which was satisfying and a great way to let the mind follow diverging paths of thought. For a long time I've not, as posting to the interwebs became more focused around social media like Facebook and Twitter, which really aren't as conducive to that.

So here's me, giving Plume a spin for a giggle. Maybe I'll get back to rambling on about the musings of my mind, or just be posting nonsense as it occurs to me (the two are not, necessarily, mutually exclusive). Maybe it'll be fun to get writing again, to play with words and the like. Maybe life will continue to distract me and it'll fall dead like most previous attempts. I've got a Wordpress kicking around somewhere which has been enthusiastically ignored for some considerable time now, heh.

Anyway, I hear this thing connects to the fediverse.. let's see if I can figure out how that hangs together and click it into one or more of my Mastodon accounts.