Hello, world!

Another creator migrating from Tumblr

Hallo, I'm Nox! I'll just get my assortment of labels out of the way: asexual, WTFromantic, nonbinary, autistic, polyamorous, kinkster, Lokean, millennial, disabled, mentally ill, veteran, survivor, author, artist, composer, activist, kitchen witch, and of course changeling. I like both cats and dogs (and spiders), coffee and tea (and cocoa), and pizza with and without pineapple. I eat meat, take baths as hot as I can stand, and my favorite color is stormcloud blue-grey. My fandoms include Undertale, Steven Universe, and Girl Genius. My Special Interests are languages/linguistics and mythology (especially Norse mythology).

I believe everyone should have access to everything they need to survive and live happy, fulfilling lives, regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, orientation, or ability. ACAB, fuck Nazis, fuck TERFs, fuck incels, fuck eugenicists--basically fuck anyone whose goal is to further oppression and genocide (and fuck the "both sides" centrists and apologists who smooth their way). I don't really care for political labels but "anarcho-communist" is probably a reasonable approximation for me. I think the end goal of everyone getting the justice and resources they need is more important than how we get there, though.

Anyway, I'm here to make cool things and share them with people. Also to inspire other people to make cool things. If people want advice/information related to writing, music, art, magic, heathenry, LGBTQIA+ stuff, autistic stuff, polyamory stuff, etc. then I may post that here as well.

I have a very short attention span when it comes to projects, so don't be surprised if I just completely forget about something and get caught up in something else. I dabble in pretty much every medium I can get my queer little hands on, so expect a lot of random weirdness that may or may not gel with the rest. I make both fanart/fanfic and original work.