Starting fast, progressing slowly

I believe everybody has that felling of "I can make whatever I think!" and then realising it takes more work than expected, or similar.

Well, that happened to me with this distro.

I downloaded a pre-built binary of busybox and started creating a chroot environment. It worked decently, using ash for my shell and those things.

But then I tried to boot it.

Since I have multiple hardware, I didn't use QEMU or similar, and proceded to make it into a thumbdrive.

Then everything failed, as no bootloader was found.

So I installed grub from another system... with a "drive not detected" issue upon boot, I realized I had to install it from the same system. But the standard chroot program doesn't like that, so I used arch-chroot from the ArchLinux installer which does supoort it.

But then the binaries didn't run... libc was missing.

And so it began, the dependency hell.