How much extra baggage is allowed on Ethiopian Airlines?

Similar to traveling with any other airline in the world, when traveling with Ethiopian airlines passengers are advised to follow the rules and regulations regarding baggage allowance after making their

Ethiopian Airline Bookings

. Since the free baggage allowance and excess baggage requirements are different for every airline, passengers must check with their concerned flight for the baggage allowance before departing.

Here’s everything you need to know about extra baggage allowance on Ethiopian airlines.

On what factors the baggage allowance with Ethiopian airlines depends?

The baggage allowed for your booked flight with Ethiopian airline would depend upon;

• The type of ticket purchased by the passengers i.e., economy class or cloud nine.

• Flight destination and Route.

• Domestic/International flight.

Free Baggage allowance.

Checked-in luggage.

• Economy class.

The passengers of economy class are allowed up to two bags of a maximum weight of 23 kilograms each (i.e., 50 lbs.) and the sum of dimensions of the bag not exceeding 158 centimeters (62 inches) for their checked-in luggage.

• Business class.

The passengers of business class, also known as ‘Cloud Nine’ with Ethiopian airlines are allowed to carry either;

  1. Two bags of 32 kilograms each (i.e., 70 lbs.).

  2. Three bags of 23 Kilograms each i.e. (50lbs.).

However, the maximum sum of the dimensions of the bags must not be more than 158 centimeters (62 inches).

Carry-on luggage.

• Economy class.

The passengers of economy class are only allowed one bag of a maximum of 7 kilograms of weight and dimensions not more than 118 centimeters (46 inches) for their cabin luggage.

• Business class.

The cloud nine passengers of Ethiopian airlines are allowed up to two bags of 7 kilograms of weight each and dimensions not more than 118 centimeters (46 inches) for their cabin luggage.

Items that you can carry free of cost.

In addition to your free baggage allowance, there are certain items that you carry on your flights with Ethiopian airlines without any extra costs. These items include;

  1. A small handbag, pocket book, laptop bag, or purse.

  2. A small digital camera.

  3. A pair of binoculars

  4. A reasonable amount of reading materials i.e., books, newspapers, magazines, novels, etc. for your flight time.

  5. Children’s food for in-flight consumption (for infants) as well as a carrying basket.

  6. A cabin wheelchair (fully collapsible).

  7. A pair of crutches.

  8. Other prosthetic devices for patients who are dependent upon them.

  9. One laptop, however, without any accessories and extra attachments.

Excess baggage policy.

• If your carry-on baggage is overweight it would be adjusted in your checked-in baggage as per the availability of space. You cannot carry more than 7 kg of cabin luggage in any case.

• If your checked-in baggage is exceeding its limit you either have to travel without the extra things or pay extra to carry them along.

• The fee for excess baggage is USD 60 per kilogram or more depending on your route, destination, and ticket type.

So, these are the things to know about extra baggage allowance at Ethiopian airlines.