Issues With Discord And LitRPG

Main bit of news: I decided to no longer market my work as LitRPG. Instead I'm considering marketing my work as Simulation, with GameLit as its mother genre. Part of this is because I already apparently don't write game elements to the degree that certain snobs would prefer to be satisfied about, it's also not realistic for my own game development goals.

I don't even program the video games that have the amount of stats that people in the LitRPG community expect. My game elements these days generally follows a simple structure:

You walk up, down, left, or right on a user-grid. The user follows a verb-coin list of actions, similar to point and click games. Battles are done in a tactical, but not necessarily turn based fashion. Battle determinations are done in real time, rather than based on stats. If this isn't enough gameplay elements for you, then maybe LitRPG just isn't your genre. Why waste people's time by narrowing the focus to specifc game elements that you like? Without somehow being aware of the fact that other games follow different rules from RPGs?

Why try to erase the entire of history of GameLit fiction? All of this factored into my decision: I will be marketing my work as LitSimulation.

I’ve never been a huge fan of discord, just because the way the entire platform is structured has tended to piss me off because of very important features that are completely missing or dis functional. One of these include effective blocking. Blocking has been an important way for people to keep themselves sane, by being able to tune out trolls and hate followers.

Most of the communities I’ve found on discord have primarily been composed of assholes that seem to have more words to say than common sense. Especially when it comes to the LitRPG community. I’ve tried making friends there, and making small talk. But each time either people have been overly passive aggressive (even when I am being on topic, just so we’re clear), or being completely negative for negativities sake, rather than using constructive criticism to improve others.

This is the kind of shit the LitRPG community doesn’t need. It’s a lot of the reason that I no longer wish to associate with the LitRPG community in general. What LitRPG reminds me of, is some of the worst aspects of Diaspora: of all the people that actually write LitRPG, I only know of two off hand who are moderators.

And they’re pretty much consumed by male dominant culture, where they might as well not even be women.