Life update

For anyone who even looks at this, I apologize for the lack of updates. Some very interesting developments have happened here.

I'm not getting into a debate on whether or not you believe in the legitimacy of psychic mediums. I realize that most of them are con artists, and for that reason, despite being spiritually sensitive, I have shied away from using that label for myself. But Phil Jordan's record speaks for himself. On a more personal note, he saw something going on in the region of my mom's pancreas before the doctors ever did. So with that out of the way, the reason why I mention him is because he offered me a glimpse into my future, and it was an optimistic one. I'm currently fighting for SSI, but if he's correct, I might not have to. He saw two careers in my future, one for money and benefits and another I was more passionate about. He also saw me owning a home that was a white house with a shed on the top of a hill. As someone who is working the welfare system at the present moment, these were startling and empowering predictions, and I hope they come true.

But something else that struck me in his words that I hope comes true with much more fervor. He saw a woman by the name of "Allison B" becoming as close to me as a sister. Here's why that gives me pause.

I recently sought out information from the local adoption and foster care system on records it had obtained relating to my biological family. Well, just Saturday, they came. My mother, much like myself, has suffered from a debilitating combination of mental and emotional health issues. It eventually prevented her from safely raising children, so she had been forced to give me up. That sad story aside, it was affirming of a lot of things for me: My struggles didn't come out of thin air, but possibly had a genetic component. But then it went on to say that I had three siblings out there in the world somewhere, one thirty-three, one thirty-five, and one almost forty-two. Could one of these be that "Allison B" the psychic had envisioned?

The next logical step for me is to obtain an ancestry DNA test and find those other siblings. Once we all meet, then I can work out the details of telling them, "Oh by the way, I'm transgender, a socialist, and practice witchcraft." (Unless they see this blog or my mastodons first; my paranoia tries to tell me that they would see my thread on a certain site but I try to tell myself to not worry about it. But in either case, it's unlikely.)

Obviously, I'll need to process this in therapy, and I'll keep everyone posted on the journey that unfolds.