So about some of the pics I've uploaded

I uploaded a bunch of pics. A lot of them are from queerlection on Tumblr, and I like to share them around as positivity for myself or others.

But some of the pics are some of my identity labels, so you can see what I use and their definitions. This site being so new, it shouldn't have the truscum/anti-mogais like Tumblr did, so I can feel free to talk about my identity and experiences.

I describe myself as 50% ace and 75% aro. This means that I go back and forth between having sexual attraction (usually only towards certain people) and being "meh" about it. Occasionally, I'm even sex repulsed. I'm definitely more aro, however, I rarely feel romantic attraction. When I do, it usually comes at the beginning of a relationship and then fades, and then it comes and goes. But sensual, protective, alterous attraction, they stick around. I hope I'm making sense.

Despite these, I am also pluralian (I use pan and paro) because I like men, women, and enbies. I am also polyamorous and usually feel comfortable with around 3 partners.

That's it for now, but I'll keep writing about this.