Point out the leftist hypocrisy

against this retarded idea

TLDR: point out leftist hypocrisy to the broader public

Some but not all of the right have adopted this notion that we shouldn’t criticism the left by pointing out their hypocrisy. I have not found any essay making the case for this, this just seems to be an idea spread around by osmosis. This view is best expressed by “pharaoh_ptolemy” on twitter”. He says quote

Don’t point out that they are lying. We know they are lying. They know we know they are lying. And yet they are still lying.

The question you need to ask yourself is:

Why are they so comfortable with telling you lies of this magnitude? 1

Immediately, we should reflect on the use of this notion. What use does this have? NOTHING. THIS IS A POINTLESS FUCKING IDEA. I assume that this idea was created by some anon who wanted to sound based and red pilled and because it SOUNDS based, people use it as if it is. But when we really reflect on this notion, it is simply this: instead of pointing out to the average person that the left does not care about truth, and that they really only care about victory and power. That they will do anything to maintain and strengthen their power and win. But no, these right wingers want you to just shut up and hate them because they are evil with no nuance

Wow, left wing bad? So heckin based and red pilled. This idea has no real substance, nothing useful and if anything, actually harms right wingers pushing back against the GAE. Lets answer the pharoah’s question, “Why are they so comfortable with telling you lies of this magnitude?” it is because they have slowly tested the public perception of their rhetoric and as it turns out, the public is pretty fucking retarded. The public accepts these lies, not because they “know they are lying” but because they don’t actually care to learn the truth on these matters. Maybe you object and say, but its not the public that knows that they are lying, but rather its us. If so, then I object right back and point out that if that is so (which it is), then pointing out that they are lying is valuable and not something we should shush.

Of course I concede that if you are in a private chat with one of these crazies and they are completely closed minded, then its pointless. However, this is true for anyone, including right wingers. If we have a public stage to debate a leftist, we can and should use this opportunity to “destroy the libtard with facts and logic” in hopes that someone will not be deceived by their rhetoric, but rather takes the red pill and joins our ranks. Despite censorship by our enemies, the time for discourse is still amongst us. Now, in this era where the regime has gone mask off, is the time to expose them to everyone. I will not tolerate pseudo-intellectual objections to this on the base of trying to act based.

source referenced 1:https://twitter.com/pharaoh_ptolemy/status/1581436568752902146