Best Glaucoma Doctor in Delhi

Dr Sourabh Sharma

The top eye hospital in Delhi is Bharti Eye Foundation, where you can receive eye care or surgery and improve your eyesight. The

best glaucoma expert in west delhi

at Bharti Eye Foundation is Dr. Sourabh Sharma.

What is glaucoma?

The optic nerve of the eye is harmed by the eye illness glaucoma. As the optic nerve transmits visual signals from the eye to the brain, it plays a crucial part in how the eye sees. The optic nerve is damaged by high eye pressure, yet glaucoma can still occur at low eye pressure. Patchy blind spots form in your side vision and you experience problems with your central vision when you have glaucoma.

About Dr. Sourabh Sharma

Senior consultant and certified glaucoma specialist Dr. Sourabh Sharma works at Bharti Eye Foundation. He is particularly interested in pupillometry, angle closure glaucoma, pediatric glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma. For the benefit of patients, he is interested in developing changes and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery. He has been practicing ophthalmology for more than eight years. Our Services:

Refractive Surgery

Cataract Surgery

Contact Lens

Laser Cataract Surgery

Retina Surgery

Glaucoma Treatment


Smile Eye Surgery

Lasik Eye Surgery

Squint Treatment

Cornea Transplant

Pediatric Ophthalmology

Oculoplasty And Aesthetic


Bharti Eye Foundation