Causes of Squint - Bharti Eye Foundation

Squint is an eye disorder that leads to misalignment of the eyes. Squint is caused by the weakening of the eye muscles that are responsible for the movement of the eyeball, eyelids and eyebrows. Actually, the movement of the eye is controlled by six ocular muscles that allows our eyes to move up-down, left-right and in circular motion. Squint is also known as strabismus and it is can be corrected by prescribing eyeglasses, medication and surgery. But surgery is rarely recommended by an ophthalmologist. Squint is caused by various reasons.

What are the causes of the squint?

  • Congenital: - This squint is received from the birth and it is caused by the damaged cornea in premature babies.
  • Hereditary: - Hereditary means running in the family. This squint is caused by genetic reason means if your mother or father has squint, there can be chances to occur in the children.
  • Weakening of ocular muscles leads to squint
  • Various eye condition like myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism can be one of the reasons of squint
  • Some disorder like cerebral palsy , brain tumor and building fluid in the brain
  • Viral infection like measles can also provoke this disorder.
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