Phacoemulsification procedure – Bharti Eye Foundation

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The current surgical approach, phacoemulsification, removes cataracts using a high-tech apparatus called a phaco machine. The phaco machine is a tool that includes a handpiece, pedal, irrigation system, suction system, and a number of tips that are bent at various angles to precisely administer ultrasonic energy to break the cataract-affected lens of the eye. Phacoemulsification can restore your vision. Simple daily tasks include reading, driving, watching TV, and other things. Mobility is enhanced by improved vision.

In a person with cataracts, the natural lens of the eye gets clouded, resulting in hazy, unclear, and darker vision.

The procedure of phacoemulsification

  • General anaesthetic is used to initially numb your eye and ensure that you are not experiencing any pain or discomfort.
  • At the edge of the cornea, the ophthalmologist creates one or two extremely small incisions. The membrane encasing the lens is then pierced by him.
  • To aid in the lens's separation from the capsule that surrounds it, saline is injected into the eye.
  • A set of ultrasonic needles that pulse (oscillate) at various rates are used by the surgeon to slice the lens into tiny pieces.
  • The phaco foot pedal regulates the oscillation's rate. Then a vacuum is used to remove these particles.
  • The damaged lens is subsequently replaced with an intraocular lens implant (IOL), a brand-new artificial lens made of silicone or acrylic that is implanted into the capsule thanks to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure.
Our Best Eye Surgeries in West Delhi include:

Refractive Surgery Cataract Surgery Contact Lens Laser Cataract Surgery Retina Surgery Phacoemulsification Glaucoma Treatment Smile Eye Surgery Lasik Eye Surgery Squint Treatment Cornea Transplant Surgery Pediatric Opthalmology Oculoplasty And Aesthetic

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