
Teaching yoga is becoming increasingly popular; in only five years, the number of students enrolled in yoga training has doubled. We can conclude that.

This practice that promotes well-being and self-control is bordering on lunacy.

Although many people opt to train overseas, it is not a requirement for teaching. In Spain, there are many courses accessible, some of which are offered online, so that everyone may discover the ones that are right for them. We’ll give you some pointers on locating yoga teacher training that’s right for you and yoga teaching that’s right for you to learn about yogitimes.

Learn all there is to know about becoming a yoga instructor with us!

Why do you want to teach yoga?

Yoga is not only for expert yogis; it may also be done by pregnant women, toddlers, and the elderly. Even describing the role of a yoga instructor in the education of his yogis in a few words is difficult:

• He is a spiritual guide, a physical and postural guide, an inspirational guide, and a reference for the self-discovery journey and the attainment of complete consciousness. Not just in the practice of yoga but also in the teaching of yoga can have a variety of effects:

• Mastery of breathing, emotions, or tension, as well as knowledge of asanas, mudra, bandhas, and pranayama.

You’ll need to know the human anatomy to do this, as well as which muscles operate and which allow for relaxation or personal meditation. As a result, a yoga instructor must possess specific traits that will aid him in his education:

• Patience in dealing with yourself and others.

• The ability to never give up; • The sensation of listening to one’s heart, body, and soul;

• A lot of pedagogy for a personalized instruction because yoga is focused on gentle approaches.

On the other hand, a yoga instructor must have both theoretical and practical knowledge to teach excellent yoga postures and have the asanas perform correctly. This is why, in many cases, before becoming a full-time teacher, further training is required. A yoga class is more than simply a series of poses; it’s about instilling rationality in the pupils.

• When it comes to yoga teacher training, you might have a variety of goals:

• Develop your spiritual and philosophical knowledge; • Practice classical yoga daily;

• Teach both beginners and expert yogis, and • Open your yoga school.

Yoga Teacher Training is a long process.

Choosing your training may be difficult: there are so many formulas to choose from, such as intense courses, specialty training, and diploma training, that it’s easy to become lost.

Unlike certified teachers, who are expected to complete a training program after competing, yoga teachers must complete an adapted independent training program. In addition, yoga teacher training is required to communicate all of yoga’s mental and physical advantages.

On the one hand, it is possible to do lengthy yoga forms. They last at least 200 hours, which is equivalent to four academic years. On the other hand, in most cases, a final memory or dissertation must also be given. No diploma will be awarded until all of the training has been completed and the final work has been delivered.

Yoga Training that is both short and progressive

Yoga teacher or yoga instructor: This program lasts one to two years (between 200 and 300 teaching hours). It’s perfect if you wish to learn the fundamental yoga postures and understand the foundations of yoga philosophy and the technique and pedagogy for teaching courses. It’s also a fantastic choice if you want to study for personal development.

Suppose you wish to continue your studies after completing the instructor or instructor training. In that case, you may enroll in this course (which lasts between 100 and 200 teaching hours) and dive deeper into the topics you’ve previously studied while also meeting new people. Most essential, you may continue to enhance your technique and convey it with greater confidence and self-assurance.

Courses in yoga mastery and specialization: if you wish to extend your education, you may enroll in these courses. There are many different kinds, ranging from highly structured training that delves into the various disciplines of yoga (100 hours or more) to monographs of 20, 30, or 40 hours that cover topics like prenatal yoga, yoga for children, yoga for the third age, yoga Nidra, therapeutic yoga, meditation techniques, and so on.

You should also be aware that yoga necessitates ongoing practice throughout your life. The world of yoga, like any other profession, is evolving, as are expectations. Therefore, you must know how to renew and update yourself, especially in a yoga session at home, where the students are typically quite demanding.