About this stream

Unique, quaint or noteworthy quotations

In this content stream, I’m jotting down short reading extracts as personal notes. Some of these could be considered as quotations as they are frequently found elsewhere on the internet. But others are merely quaint extracts, some of which may be unique on the internet. I realize that is a bold claim which I’ll support when applicable by showing the search result on the verbatim significant portion of the text string.

Taking an extract out of context sometimes requires a small editing of the phrase, e.g. leaving out a connector or replacing a demonstrative pronoun. I’ll take that liberty by adding the label ‘edited’.

The web is replete with unreliable quotes. Quote Investigator does excellent work but can only do so much. Where available, I’ll provide available reference information.

Finally, context is everything. Taking extracts out of context can trigger erroneous ideas. Just think for example about Friedrich Nietzsche. So I may accompany extracts with some musings about context. On the other hand, the value of timeless works of literature and philosophy is that they can be taken in many directions, and there should be room for new interpretations.

Voilà, this should be enough to get started. From past experiences, ideas change regularly, so let me revisit this page to follow the natural evolution.