A single drop of rain holds within it enough energy to decimate an entire metropolis or crack open a single seed, thus beginning new life. Why it chooses to gently create instead of live up to it’s potential we’ll never know. The more the skies pour down, the more potential energy charge the cities. …
The more trees grow around the cracks, spilling into wildflowers, that spill into apartment complexes that spill into food forests. The cities used to be powered by rain in another way, but going against nature had dire consequences and the people shunned it. Turn their backs on the cold unforgiving world they had created and found a better way.
To live gently with nature, to call upon the rain, not to harness it’s potential but to watch what it did by itself for once. Well… Perhaps a single drop of rain wasn’t so gentle after all, they thought when they looked around their beautiful green city and smiled.
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