Information Should Be Free...

I recently came across an article from Hacker Noon titled, "Curating a Virtuous World" by George Li. In it he talks about "Rampant spam, attempts to game the system, fake news & inappropriate content all plague the the information economy today." and how the only possible way forward towards an objective, less spam filled future may be 'tokenization'. Otherwise known as paying people to post objective content and when someone fails to post objectively initiating a digital court system as a form of punishment. This will solve nothing. ... I want to bring you to your attention a single key phrase that is causing the problem; information economy.

It is this key phrase that causes the entire system to fail. Information should be free. ... If you are constantly attaching a monetary value to it then there will always be spam bots and fake news because there is a financial incentive for their very being. Instead of locking down information more in attempt to force objectivity, maybe we should instead be moving away from such systems...

Information should be free and adherence to objectivity should be voluntary.

References: Curating a Virtuous Digital World by George Li