VCs want the future. Why do we want the past?

The web3 after tomorrow and the lack of alternative imaginations

The interesting aspect about the web3 is how it was readily absorbed by the great venture capitalists. In fact, there is basically one VC group trying to control all the narrative.

On the other side, the crypto startups funded by VCs try to justify the possible conflict of interest. Usually telling they are not as bad as nation states, or that they are at the same side of the struggle against the liberal world.

It is curious and tragic that this rhetoric always has the same pattern: “We are joining forces to fight liberals”, but actually who is on the top of this, coordinating everything? People like Marc Andreessen?


What happens today with crypto is a reflection of our society. There is a lack of real imagination on the lefts. Many of them trying to bring some mouldy ideas, from a weird kind of crypto-marxism to the delusional Agorism. Stillborn strategies that benefit only a new elite to come.

To imagine a genuinely new kind(s) of future(s), instead of walking side by side with neoreactionary tech bros, it is necessary to create new foundations and imaginaries to influence how that future turns out. As a first step, we have to start summing up our aspirations for things like Web3 (or whatever we would call it) that will pave the way for the future we want to build.