Test driving OmniROM on Raspberry pi4

Not too long ago I found out that OmniROM is available for pi4, decided to try it, and I am impressed. Things are looking refined and clean. After booting for the first time, no questions are asked and the desktop shows very little. Turns out the amount of installed apps is by default very minimal, not even a file manager. There is however the OmniStore app which can be used to install a few more apps, most important : Chromium, in order to download F-Droid, and it turns out that after installing Chromium we have a first file manager as well.


A pleasant surprise is that this Chromium app has Bromite patches. Awesome ! After installing Chromium I opted to download and install F-Droid.


Also installed Lemmur, the Lemmy app and …


Time for a little retro gaming moment ;)


https://omnirom.org/ -> Devices -> Pi4

(Download, unzip the zip file, and use dd to write it to an SD card. Have fun!)