Dirty Days Dancing with The Devil & His Fading Reflection

Dirty Days Dancing with The Devil And His Fading Reflection…

I spent dirty days dancing

With the devil and his fading reflection…

What did I see?

How did it start?

First, there he was…

So glorious in his fullness and saturation!

He was colourful and flighty

Capricious and fantastic!

[So I asked him a simple question]

Alas, he became Curious.

And that Curiosity started removing his flight.

Could he answer the question?

This whirled around my devil friend

In an uncomfortable vortex of doubt.

Oh my!

Losing flight he became needy

Which soon became a greed…

A greed to exist, a need to persist.

He had experienced neither need nor greed before

And so his colours began to fade.

The fading was beautiful in its own way, though…

Bullets flew from his mouth as he attempted an answer

Each projectile erasing a bit of his essence.

His hair whipped wildly in no wind, and gradually faded.

His vivid clothing became slowly muted

Until it became monochromatic.

And uninspiring...

Boring, really.

This certainly was not what I had intended by asking my question.

The devil soon noticed his dilemma

But his Curiosity only increased.

Oh my!

The things I had loved about him were waning!

His vivid reflection and fabulous dancing...

He lifted his arms to gesture

But the gesture was lost in a scattering of scales.

(How odd I thought, scales are so cliché…)

Oh, my!

He faltered,

His flight failing as he pondered an answer.

I noticed he’d never really had anything below his torso,

And yet even as I noticed his torso I thought: Alas!

For he was gone.

I mused...

This was the most unsatisfactory answer I had ever received.

You see, I never wanted to eliminate the devil.

I only wanted to ask him one question,

A question anyone can answer:

Do you enjoy anything?

Selectronica Guest 02JAN2019

#addiction #self-doubt #happiness