StarSpace! Game Engine:

Why am I developing my own?

Actually, writing the engine is one of the biggest reasons I’m doing this. I’ve thought about just modifying an existing engine such as Godot to fit the needs of the game, but I wouldn’t learn as much, and It wouldn’t be as incredible of a project to work on.

For me, starting a massive project in which, I don’t  know how to do much of it, is like playing a massive complex game for the first time. It’s all so wondrous! You know (and kind of hope) it will take a long time, but you just want to do and see everything! This feeling is somewhat amplified by the fact that I have nothing is riding on this, and there’s not really any time pressure. If I mess up, I can just redo it, no problem!

I saw a video recently on the top mistakes game developers make on their first game. One of them was trying to make their own engine. This actually gave me confidence. Here’s why; They said it would it would massively complicate and elongate development, and that it’s really hard to develop a good engine without a lot of experience. And I just thought “So?, that’s why I’m doing it!”.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m generally not a very confident person. And I know it will be very hard. I have no guarantee I can do it. But, worst case scenario, I’ve learned something and kept busy for a while. I can still use an engine later if this doesn’t pan out. I have the luxury of not needing to rely on this. I’d be stupid not to take advantage of that.

In conclusion, why make my own game engine? Because why not!

Any help or suggestions appreciated,

