Caviar and the tips you need to know about it

One of the most royal foods in the world is caviar, which has wide varieties, and Iran is one of the leading exporters of this fantastic food. If you have tasted this food and love its unique taste, we suggest you take advantage of this article to get beneficial information about it.

Why is caviar so expensive

Types of caviar in the world

As we mentioned, there are many types of this valuable food worldwide. By searching on Google, you can see how many caviar models are offered to you. In this part, we will introduce you to its main types worldwide.


Elephant fish caviar is called beluga caviar. Elephant fish is one of the largest in the Caspian Sea and provides a large amount of caviar. Also, the eggs of this fish are more significant than other sturgeon eggs. The size of his egg is three millimetres, and it has a beautiful appearance. You can see this fish in bright colour.


Astra type of this dish is prepared from diced fish. This food, known as golden caviar, has a unique taste, and people who have tried it have compared it to fresh walnuts. The size of the eggs of this fish is between 2.5 and 3 mm. Tas fish is one of the longest fish in the Caspian Sea.


The smallest sturgeon in the Caspian Sea is Ozon Brun, representing the Suruga species. The seeds of this food are tiny—approximately between 1.7 and 2.5 mm. But the unique taste of this variety has made it attract many fans. The Suruga species is one of the most popular caviar in Iran.

Where is the most expensive caviar?

It is the most expensive and most popular caviar in the world for Iran. The Caspian Sea is the habitat of sturgeon fish and contains a large number of these fish. So it can be said that Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world. It comes from the elephant fish that lives in the Caspian Sea. This type of this fantastic food is also known as Almas caviar. The

Almas caviar price

is so high that it has earned the title of the most expensive caviar in the world.

Therapeutic properties of caviar

This food has therapeutic properties due to its compounds and nutrients. In this section, we mention its most important therapeutic properties.

• It is a rich source of antioxidants

• It is beneficial for expectant mothers

• Regulates blood pressure

• Caviar refreshes the skin

• It prevents the skin from loosening and sagging

• Prevents sunburn

• It reduces the risk of heart disease

• It helps to have good sex

• It has antiviral properties

• Caviar is very useful for the eyes

• It plays a role in the regeneration of blood hemoglobin

• Prevents Alzheimer’s

• Caviar strengthens muscles

• It reduces the risk of cancer

• Caviar has antidepressant properties

• Caviar ensures bone health

• It plays a role in the treatment of anemia

• It reduces stress and migraine pain

Side effects of caviar consumption

• Despite the high level of vitamins, minerals and essential fats, caviar has a relatively high-calorie content and cholesterol and sodium. Therefore, eating a small amount (about 30 to 50 grams) for each person is recommended.

• Although it has low listeria and mercury, its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women. In this regard, it is better to consult a specialist doctor about the acceptable levels of its consumption.

• Improper caviar consumption has serious side effects, including fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, digestive and liver complications, and allergic problems.

How to eat caviar?

It is better to consume this food for breakfast. Because the caloric energy of this food is very high, it should be consumed in the morning until it is used up, and its calories are gone by the end of the night. You can eat this food with boiled egg yolk, vegetables, chopped onion, or bread. You can also use it with cheese, which is very tasty.