First steps
Since everybody else is making tests posts, this is mine.
I'm already missing a search box
Following from Mastodon seems to be half broken
- The follow request comes through in Plume and is registered
- However Mastodon never seems to receive a confirmation
- I don't know how it is supposed to work, I'm just guessing
~~I assume the picture functionality is not here yet~~
- ~~There is an illustration drop down, but that's just empty~~
- Hang on, is that what the media section in your account is for?
- Anyway, tried that, doesn't work. No Markdown code is provided and it doesn't appear in the drop down.
Following people from another Plume instance also doesn't work
- Some CSRF error
Where's the list of people (or blogs) you follow?
In case you don't want to follow them anymore?
Looks like the ~~scratch this~~ mark down is not working...
Some more Markdown, like code
or code blocks:
System.out.println("Hello World!");
alert("Hello World!");
Looks like there's no syntax highlighting.
Lets have a table
Nr | Column | Another Column |
Row 1 | Yep | That's row 1 |
Row 2 | Another | row |
That's only sort of table-ish
Let's quote myself:
First steps
Since everybody else is making tests posts, this is mine.
Ok, so quoting doesn't work either.
Hmm, after editing a few times the tags disappear
Hmm, looks like they are never published at all
Basic blogging seems possible, but with some layout limitations. Inline pictures would be nice.
It would be nice if you could crosspost to, say, Tumblr.
And if you could reblog posts with or without adding content. Like Tumblr. Maybe we can, I haven't tried.
I have tried now: boosting of posts is possible, but you can't add content, or boost it again, etc. So the very long conversations that keep getting blogged around and appear on people's dash are not possible here.
Like Tumblr, you can edit your post after publishing, which is nice.
Media Gallery
Like this screenshot shows:
The media gallery lacks a preview. It also lacked markdown code to copy, nor was the photo available in the illustrations drop down. That was with a jpeg photo. Obviously, with the above screenshot it all worked as it should; that was a png.
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