Canadian Investing - The Greater Fool

Daily Weblog from Investment Fund Manager, Garth Turner

Most people I know don’t know how to invest and save for retirement. Their savings account and RRSP are their only funds. It isn’t ideal if your future relies on selling their home for an inflated price and their depreciating pension. This blog from Garth is a consistent reminder for long term, ETF investments.


  • Insightful commentary on a bunch of relevant investing topics.

  • Great resource for following economic trends in Canada and what that means for you. Especially real estate markets.

  • Cute dogs in every post.


  • Organized chronologically, and no other way.

  • Drops you right in the middle of dialogue, so some terms are unfamiliar and therefore the post less interesting.

Read back for the past year from your first visit. You will see his measured advice is almost prophetic. Consider this and another tab of Investopedia a good financial education for someone starting out.

Hope this was helpful~