I've made a lot of life goals lately.
I've moved across the country and have a goal to be more involved in my community.
I've also decided to start back up my videos about the Bible that I used to do in college.
I've ALSO decided to start up an advice channel on YouTube.
AND I've decided that I want to run for a political office in the future.
And... they're all related.
Because of my most recent hero and inspiration de jour, Pete Buttigieg.
If you've been paying attention to the early US Presidential race news, you may have heard of him. He's the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, which is a city in northern Indiana and home to Notre Dame.
So.... why has he affected me so much as of late?
He's running for president. He's 37, he's the child of an immigrant, he's openly gay and married, and yet he is also Christian. He's very progressive. And he honestly cares.
"Okay cool? But like, why does that inspire you so much?"
The main things that have been inspiring me about him are 1) that he is so community focused and is doing everything, including a presidential run, to try and improve his home town. and 2) that he is queer and Christian and is tired of the Right having the monopoly on faith.
So. Back to my list of things I'm doing.
I have moved back to my family's hometown. I was born here. I grew up across the country, but I was born here. The house I am in, in fact, was built by my great, great grandfather for my great, great grandmother. It has been in the family ever since. And, now it is my turn. I want to dive into this community that meant so much to my whole family. I was to learn more about it and in turn give back. I want to help shape this small town into a place that will grow and sustain and continue to shape my family. Up to and including running for political office.
I've also started that advice channel for that same thing, to help shape and grow and give back to my online communities. In today's age, everyone has an online community in conjunction to their physical surroundings, and I want to figure out ways to foster and grow that as well.
And, to the second point...
I am queer. And very religious. And I've always been quiet about one or the other wherever I am. In queer circles, the Religious Right has destroyed religion for most people. In religious circles, you have to be a Red blooded Republican or you get kicked out. It's been very hard to find a common ground. Especially since the two make a ton of sense combined in my head. And so, I've started back up my Bible channel to help push that overton window over. Retake religion from the Right, just like Pete says is his goal. I'm tried of people who are Leftist being ridiculed for partaking in faith. And I'm tired of any group of people saying that they have ownership of faith and the only correct way.
And so, this is how I fight back. By showing that I am capable of interpreting the Bible in sensible ways, and showing that they are actually pretty in line with Leftist ideology. And pushing others to act out the faith as lined out in the Bible and seeing that it isn't that crazy to think that the two can go together.
Here's the Bible Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmE83NVBbsQpNRT0oQFYGUA/
Here's the Advice Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgkpNExlRFftby-ycfUxGsg/
I'm leaving those there for in case you care to look at them.
But yeah, those are my future goals, and they've honestly all been spurred on because of the actions and bravery of one Midwestern gay man, Mayor Pete.
<3 you all.
August 19, 2023 08:09
Mayor Pete definitely has that sort of personality - he can really push everyone to better themselves. I think that it’s all part of his Early Church Doctrine. The mayor is amazing in all that he does!
April 11, 2019 17:23
Very interesting. I do not believe a Christian needs to be of either political party to be a Christian, that is ridiculous. However, the problem I have with "the left" is abortion. I cannot be apart of anything that promotes the killing of innocents, no matter how "good" the rest of their politics are (which is debatable in and of itself).
And about "interpreting the Bible in sensible ways", you have to be extremely careful when you take that approach. The Bible says what it says, not what you want it to say. The same goes for any political sides.
I hope to see awesome videos by you. :-)