Yoga Alliance - Yoga Teacher Training in India at AYM Yoga School

As a yoga teacher, your role is to provide inspired support and informed guidance to guide students in pursuing their varied and changing aims in doing yoga.

When teachers create safe and nurturing yoga classes where students can explore and experience harmony in their body-mind, with a better understanding of their breathing, amazing things start to happen.

It is good to remember the ethical precepts given in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. They can be a handy starting place in approaching physical cues, beginning with the intertwined values of ahimsa (not hurting) and Satya (truthfulness). When offering tactile guidance, start with being truthful about what you know and don’t know. A yoga teacher must understand what’s happening with a student in an asana. Only then are you prepared to give that person any assistance?

Allowing the clarity of your intention in giving verbal or physical cues has to arise from your knowledge and skill in seeing and relating to your students in asanas.

Also, understanding the functional anatomy, risk issues, and contraindications of any asanas you teach will be more effective in providing appropriate cues that help your students deepen their practice!
