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Round and round we spin, with feet of lead and wings of tin.
-Kurt Vonnegut

Finnish/Swedish Laplander, writer, vagabond, science, atheism, and books. I escaped a cult at age 17. Running ever since. #NewOrleans #NewCastle #India #Iceland


Steven Rosenberg

I am the sole user on this Fediverse instance using GoToSocial, the Golang-powered server software that's way easier to get working than anything else I tried. For now, the server is running on the Oracle Cloud Free Tier.

I'm a user of Debian and OpenBSD on the desktop, and OpenBSD, FreeBSD and AlmaLinux on the server.

I'm also a father, husband, garden-digger, guitar plucker, cat herder and fixer of the broken and worn.

Journalist by day.