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How to Solve CCleaner Not Opening Windows is a great program that helps keep your computer running smoothly. However, it sometimes has difficulty opening a window and will close itself out. This can be frustrating and can cause problems with your computer, so here is how to fix it. First, make sure you have the latest version of CCleaner downloaded and installed on your computer. If you don’t, go to the website and download the newest version. Next, open up CCleaner and click on the Tools tab. On the right side of this tab, you will see the “Add or Remove Programs” button. Click on it to open up a window where you can see all of your programs and remove any unwanted ones. To solve the issue of CCleaner closing itself out, click on the “Tools” tab again and then click on “General Options.” You will see a drop-down menu with two options: “Disable Windows Security Center” and “Disable Windows Firewall.” Make sure to select the first option and then close out of CCleaner. Now when you open up CCleaner it should run smoothly without any problems.
