certified server maid anna@girldick.gay

Open on girldick.gay

hi i'm anna aka fef

pansexual trans catgirl
20-something years old
polyamorous, apparently
admin of girldick.gay
"maintainer" of the nyastodon fork

proof of identity that i reliably fail to update in time: https://fef.moe/canary.txt
give me your money if you have too much: https://ko-fi.com/fef1312
actually, give it to BIPOC folks who need it more first. then, if you still have some left, give that to me. or not; that's your call, really.

⚠️ i have no idea how computers work and cannot be trusted to safely operate one ⚠️



hikari 🌟 (falling into the sky) @hikari@social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/