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Duck's just this duck, you know.



Husband & father. Way too long in the tech field. Programmer by vocation. Musician by necessity.



Tolkien Β· History Β· Trains

πŸš‚ Raging Homo in Leipzig πŸšƒ

Alexander Janßen

The best thing about procrastinating is you can do it NOW and ANYTIME.
πŸ“ Telecom- & IT-architect
πŸ€“ Nerdy as hell
🐧 Old fart using Linux
🩼 Yepp, my body is failing me
🏞️ Still like being outdoors, screw you cerebral palsy
🧠 Likes his beautiful broken brain
πŸ–₯️ Something with computers

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| oooo. o|
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| oo o.o o|
| oo .o o|

array :java: :void: :php:

Life's an array of arrays. 101010 exactly.
Philosophy graduate, currently Programming student. I love coding, comic-books (and no-comic books), films and (dark and loud mostly) music. I suck at all of this. <3
:suckless: :gnome: :xfce: :archlinux: :debian: :java: :laravel: :javascript:

Daniel Neuman

Have cats, dog, bunnies, wife and kids.
Work: coding.
Hobby: retrocomputing, gardening, diy