Bø!rge forteller@tutoteket.no
Han der søppel-fyren.
Free software/standards and federation advocate since Identi.ca and before/beyond.
Posts in Norwegian and English.
Linux. Green party. Freeganism. Solarpunk. Midtermism. Ethical culture movement. Library socialism. Cooperatives.
Older toots available at @forteller æt octodon.
Ruben @ruben_int@social.cloudless.world
Developer living in Larvik, Norway. Co-owner of the cyber security business @skyfritt (translates to 'cloudless'). #linux #FOSS #infosec #drugpolicy
This is my English / international fediverse account. My other accounts:
All content produced by me (text, images etc) is published under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed
Jostein Fossheim @jfossheim@social.dmz.skyfritt.net
Philosopher, father, privacy advocate, CEO, IT-security- and wine-specialist
Skyfritt AS @skyfritt@social.dmz.skyfritt.net
Skyfritt er en bekymringsløser for virksomheter som vil gjenvinne kontroll og ta digital sikkerhet på alvor. Våre ansatte brenner for at små og mellomstore bedrifter skal kunne møte morgendagens utfordringer i cybersfæren!