Oberflächenspannung hoernchen72@chaos.social

Open on chaos.social

Gezeugt, zur Welt gebracht, im Moment lebendig, vermutlich irgendwann in Zukunft tot.

Woke ist kein Schimpfwort.

Achtung: Account kann Spuren von Vögeln enthalten!


silvio :antifa: @silvio@cyb3r.social

$ hostnamectl

# A creature that has to get along on this planet, 
# a nerd, a gamer, a cyclist and from time to time a normal person.

Enjoy the journey and throw kindness around like confetti!

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
"OPTIONAL" in this feed are to be interpreted as described in
RFC 2119.