jack_trn jack_trn@lorem.club

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Latest articles

Days 10 to 12 - Caraquet

or; Nicholas Cage, snowstorms, and the sublime art of hospitality

Days 6 to 9 - Neguac, Tracadie, and Shadiac

or, specifically, reflections on my (relatively ignorant) sense of New Brunswick, or, alternatively, "this one is serious"

Day 5 - Neguac

or, the truck is not always at fault

Days 3 & 4 - Caraquette

or, the second-half of November northern New Brunswick French-language Zellers catalogue

Day 2 - Riviere-du-Loup to Caraquette

or, the infinite forest and its inconceivable destruction

Day 1 - Ottawa to Riviere-du-Loup

or, Ballin' on a Budget in a Bum-Ass Truck